Here is an offer you can’t refuse!
RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Instructor & Examiner Simon Bradshaw will be running a selection of free 90 minute workshops on some key subjects.
Places are limited so book your free place asap!
Thursday 21st March
- Sources of broadcast meteorological information
- Knowledge of terms used in shipping forecasts, including the Beaufort wind scale, and their significance to small craft
- Basic knowledge of highs, lows and fronts
- Convergence & Divergence, impact upon navigation and on sail twist
Thursday 25th April
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
- Lights and Shapes
- Steering and sailing rules (5,7,8,9,10 and 12-19)
- General rules (all other rules)
Thursday 23rd May
Introduction to Pilotage
- Buoyage and Beacons
- Use of transits, leading lines and clearing lines
- IALA system of buoyage for Region A
- Pilotage plans and harbour entry
Thursday 29th June
Introduction to Passage planning
- Legal importance
- Why Plan?
- Preparation of navigational plan passages
- Weather, tides
- Use of waypoints
- Keeping a navigational record
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