Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR course)

The PPR course is for students that are applying for a new Commercial Endorsement and also for people that are revalidating their Commercial Endorsement.

+34 662 330 493



Event Details

The RYA have now brought out the Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR) course for students that are applying for a new Commercial Endorsement and also for people that are revalidating their Commercial Endorsement.

Its a compulsory online course.

The PPR course is broken down into four modules:

  • Commercial environment – showing how you fit into the professional maritime world.
  • People – explaining the importance of correct manning, keeping your skills up to date and the safe management of commercial vessels.
  • Vessel – teaching about the compulsory carriage and maintenance of safety equipment and how to create and implement risk control and operating procedures.
  • Purpose – making sure your vessel is suitable and legal for the work you are carrying out, your obligations in protecting the environment, appropriate planning and situational awareness.

After you have done the online course there is a mock assessment so you can check you are ready before moving on to the final graded online assessment.

The course should take you about 6 to 8 hours to do the four course modules.

The graded end of course assessment is split into two sections, totaling 2½ hours.



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