OPPORTUNITY for Yachtmaster Ocean candidates to complete necessary qualifying passage to take their sights, on a two-day passage from Palma to Ibiza and back.

This trip is fully compliant with RYA Ocean Oral Exam Requirements

PALMA SEA SCHOOL – OCEAN SIGHT TRIP – 499€ (if booked with an Ocean Theory) or 699€ for trip only

Course Details:

  • Route: Palma to Port Ibiza and return
  • 67-mile passage (approximately 13.5 hours at 5 knots)
  • Duration: 2 days
  • Participants: 4 students per trip


Participant Roles:

  • Candidates must act as Mate or Skipper.



  • Sights must be taken out of sight of land


Additional Notes for YM Ocean:

  • Candidates must navigate using traditional Astro navigation (Sun, Meridian passage, Planet or Star sights).
  • All planning, execution, and navigation must be managed by the candidates.
  • Positions and logbook entries must be maintained accurately.


Qualifying Passage Requirements:

  • Passages must be non-stop from one port to another.
  • No change of Skipper or Mate during the passage.
  • Both planned and actual distances must exceed 60 miles.


This structured two-day passage from Palma to Ibiza and back, provides an excellent opportunity for YM Ocean candidates to complete necessary qualifying sights passage. This setup ensures compliance with RYA requirements. Candidates still must have a passage of at least 600nm in addition to this passage.


Additional Weather-Related Conditions for Yachtmaster Ocean Sights Trip

  • Weather Conditions: The ability to take celestial sights during the trip is dependent on weather and visibility conditions. We cannot guarantee that sights will be possible due to factors beyond our control, such as cloud cover or poor weather.
  • Trip Cancellations: If, before travel, it is determined that weather conditions will not be suitable for taking sights, the trip will be cancelled. In this case, students will be offered either a change of date or a full refund.
  • No Refunds for Suitable Weather: If the weather is deemed suitable for the trip to proceed, no refunds will be given if sights are ultimately not taken due to changing conditions during the trip.
  • Liability: Palma Sea School will not be held responsible for any inability to complete celestial sights due to adverse weather conditions once the trip has begun. No refunds or compensations will be issued for sights not taken after the trip has started.
  • Trip Adjustments: While every effort will be made to provide alternative learning experiences if sights cannot be taken, the itinerary and planned activities may be adjusted at the discretion of the skipper/school for safety and operational reasons.