INFORMATION ONLY, We DO NOT do ENG1 medicals at the school)

In Mallorca there are 2 medical centres providing the ENG1 Medical. Please contact them directly. We do not do medicals at the school.

OH Medicals: +34 619 982 142
Landline: +34 971 703 391

Landline: +34 971 683 511
Mobile: +34 650 249 952


You need an ENG 1 certificate if you’re any of the following:

The fee for an ENG 1 medical examination in Palma is approximately 170€.

How to apply

An ENG 1 certificate must be issued by a doctor approved by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Find your nearest approved doctor in the UK or abroad by using the links below:

Companies can find company-approved doctors approved to carry out ENG 1 medical examinations for specific shipping companies.
Approved doctor lists are updated monthly.

Bring the following to your examination:


The doctor will give you an ENG 1 certificate on the day if you pass the examination.

Some seafarer medical certificates from other countries are accepted instead of an ENG 1 form.

Equivalent medical certification accepted by the MCA